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Logistics & Fulfilment

These are Australia’s top 10 suburbs for online Christmas shopping

Australia’s top 10 suburbs for delivery volumes have been revealed ahead of the holiday season.

Data from logistics company Couriers Please is based on an analysis of its parcel delivery data across each major state.

Based on last year’s parcel delivery volumes, this year’s top 10 suburbs for Christmas shopping are:

Melbourne (postcode 3000), Sydney (2000), Adelaide (5000), Pakenham (3810), Point Cook (3030), Berwick (3806), Sunbury (3429), Port Melbourne (3207), Richmond (3121) and Preston (3072).

With more Australians moving to outter suburbs compared to urban areas, new regions such as Toowoomba and Sydney’s Hills Shire have seen an explosion in population and property values in recent years.

Couriers Please CEO Richard Thame, said that although purchase levels are healthy, shoppers might reevaluate their spending with rising interest rates and inflation.

“Our recent research found 54 per cent of online shoppers plan to spend less this year. Yet, we have prepared for a boost in parcel volumes around the Black Friday and Cyber Monday period, which 52 per cent of consumers use to buy Christmas gifts.”

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