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Winning Group announces management changes

Winning Group chief executive John Winning has announced a raft of management changes in the company, including the departure of Winning Appliances CEO, David Woollcott, and the return of Jo Devery and John Murphy.

“After reviewing the structure of the Winning Group leadership team to be able to deliver the strategy and as part of my role as Group CEO, I am excited to announce that I will now be taking responsibility for the leadership and strategy of Winning Appliances,” Winning said.

“As such, the Winning Appliances CEO role is no longer required moving forward and accordingly David Woollcott will be leaving the business.”

He noted that Woollcott made a number of significant contributions to the business, including leading the team who successfully delivered the opening of the Kingston and Fortitude Valley stores.

“We want to thank David Woollcott for his contribution to the business and wish him the best of luck in the future,” Winning said.

Sam Zalin will continue in his role as head of buying and marketing and will report directly to the CEO.

Winning announced the appointment of two new roles to the business, Jo Devery in the position of Winning Group chief operating officer, and John Murphy in the interim position of Winning Appliances national stores lead.

“We are delighted to announce that Jo Devery will be returning to the Winning Group as COO,” Winning said.

Devery previously worked at the Winning Group for over three years as chief buying and merchandise officer and has most recently come from Lux Group, where she was general manager.

“Jo’s extensive knowledge of the business and the industry and her skills set will ensure that the Group will deliver on its goals and strategy to ensure we provide the best shopping experience in the world,” said Winning.

Starting in her role as COO in late October, Devery will focus on the execution of the strategy roadmap across the Group, supporting the daily operations and holding executive accountability for the Home Clearance, Handy Crew, Winning Appliances Commercial and Appliances Online Commercial business units. She will also look after operations and customer experience.

“It’s an absolute pleasure to welcome John Murphy back to the business as he was involved with Winning Appliances for over three decades with my father and myself. He will add invaluable experience in helping to run our 13 stores across, New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia,” Winning said.

In his interim position as national stores lead, Murphy will focus on driving the existing and new stores across the country, before moving onto another strategic role in the business. He will join the business in the first week of October.

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