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Redballoon expands NZ presence

Online experience retailer, RedBalloon, has announced plans to bolster its international expansion efforts with a ramped up engagement of its NZ channels.

The move comes amid wider restructuring plans for the company, who last year underwent rebranding, and the signing of new corporate partners under the vision of new CEO, Nick Barker.

Barker cites the renewed focus on the NZ  market as being a product of the the influx of Australian nationals travelling there.

“We’re now in a position where RedBalloon is moving towards live availability, so we want to appeal to the 1.3 million Aussies who arrive in New Zealand every year,” Baker said.

Former Tourism New Zealand employee, Adam Hughes, has been appointed regional product and partnership Manager to assist with these endeavours. He will be based in Rotorua for the first six months while he grows the local experience portfolio.

“This time we have a clear strategy and we’ve employed a local professional with a great depth of experience with New Zealand trade and tourism,” Baker said of the appointment.

 “Having looked at the market from a fresh perspective and scoped out the opportunity, we’re much better positioned to have a go at bringing New Zealand to life,” he continued.

Also helping the company in its new expansion plans is Dennis Pierce, chairman, Australian Tourism Export Council (ATEC).

A new Zealander by birth, Pierce has a wealth of hands-on tourism experiences which will help bolster expansion efforts and future strategy.

The RedBalloon New Zealand site currently features 207 local products, with the aim of doubling this in the next six months.

The company’s operations in Australia sees them work with 1000 suppliers, and turn over 7.5 million on website traffic annually.

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