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Google Optimize offers free personalisation tool

Google has announced it will this month make its enterprise-class personalisation tool, Google Optimize 360, available to any size company for free.

Powered by Google Analytics, Google Optimize (the free version) makes it possible to test new online features and personalise offerings to customers.

Users can create and deploy A/B testing, multivariate or redirect site experiments and run advanced statistical modeling to see how different website changes will affect the user experience.

Companies already using Google Analytics can access their existing site data with Optimize to identify areas for improvement.

According to eWeek, Optimize includes an editor tool that lets administrators change anything on their site to test new features, without having to recode the site. The editor lets administrators edit text, images and layouts on the fly by simply clicking on the feature they want to change.

The launch of Optimize comes after an update to Google Analytics introduced the use of AI to identify meaningful trends and data. It’s all part of a broader push to make it easier for companies to act on their data.

“We want to give all businesses the tools and access to compete—and ultimately, drive better online consumer experiences,” Babak Pahlavan, Google’s senior director of product management, said in a recent blog post.



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