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CouriersPlease steps into dark web monitoring, transitions to email from SMS

CouriersPlease has stepped up into monitoring the dark web for data breaches and is transitioning to email from SMS amid the rise of scam text messages.

“We have an incident response that activates the moment a data breach is found by our team, and part of that response is to see if it’s a false positive or an urgent breach,” said Richard Thame, CEO at CouriersPlease.

“From a security perspective, that account then undergoes an immediate reset that forces the customer to change their password. We alert the user and we’re typically able to close that circle within a couple of hours.”

The company also urged the public to not use the same password on home and work devices, change passwords frequently and choose strong ones, and to secure accounts with multi-factor authentication.

It also advised to exercise caution in clicking links, be on the lookout for scams, and use the government’s Have You Been Hacked Tool.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) earlier reported that Australians lost more than $3 billion to scammers between 2022 and last year, with text messages as the most reported contact method of scammers.

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