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Clicks2customers signs former Google employee

Clicks2Customers signs former Google employee to head up Australian/New Zealand office clicks2customers

Global search specialists, Clicks2Customers, has appointed Sam
Shennan as the Managing Director of its Australia and New Zealand operations.

The appointment ideally positions Clicks2Customers to continue its
aggressive expansion into the region on the back of solid growth.

Shennan has spent the last 4 years as the head of Multi-Channel Retail for Google Australia and New Zealand. Prior to joining Google, Shennan was the National Online Sales Manager for Australia’s largest ISP – BigPond

During his tenure at Google, Shennan worked closely with Australia’s leading retailers to design, develop and execute their online sales and digital marketing strategies.

“We took our time finding the perfect fit to head up our Australia and New Zealand
office. This region forms an integral part of our global expansion
strategy and we are delighted that Sam will be adding his considerable
insight to our existing team,” comments Jonathan Gluckman, CEO of

“Clicks2Customers’ appealed to me because of thier unique approach to search. they don’t charge
typical management fees or a percentage of spend. Instead, they offer a performance
driven remuneration model, based on improvements on the existing
campaign” comments Shennan “In simple terms, they back themselves;no improvement, no payment”

Clicks2customers has an extensive list of global blue chip clients including Walmart and .

The agency is currently delivering significant returns for Dick Smith, Deals Direct, the Warehouse Group and EziBuy in the Australian and New Zealand markets.

Clicks2Customers’ qualitative approach to Search Engine Marketing has been recognised the world over. It finished fourth overall in the topseos global PPC competition in 2009 and achieved first place in both the Australian and Canadian regional finals and second in the UK market.

“The new Australian team is now complete and we are confident the collective search expertise of the office will soon be recognised as world leading,” Gluckman concludes.

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