Automate product recommendations to consumers
Automate product recommendations to consumers based on their browsing behaviour over the long term, making it much easier for businesses to offer a highly personal experience across all touch points, from initial interest to final sale
“Coremetrics Benchmark data, shows that 15 per cent of site traffic is driven by paid search and 21 per cent comes from natural search,” said Kevin Mackin, ANZ General Manager for Coremetrics. “Yet paid and natural search landing pages—often the first thing a consumer sees when researching a product—do not always yield relevant results for the consumer, and the same holds true for on-site search. Intelligent Offer 6 completely eliminates this problem by using an enterprise-class analytics solution to drive targeted, personalised results for every consumer and every search query.”
Behaviour-based merchandising a breeze with Intelligent Offer
Recommendation engine lets retailers deliver tailored content and offers to online visitors
Melbourne, 24 February 2010 – Coremetrics, the leader in marketing optimisation, today announced significant enhancements to its recommendation engine, Coremetrics Intelligent Offer. These enhancements are designed to make it easier for businesses to deliver a highly personalised consumer experience across all touch points, from initial interest to final sale.
At the heart of Intelligent Offer 6 is Coremetrics’ exclusive Lifetime Individual Visitor Experience (LIVE) Profile, which tracks a customer’s browsing behavior over the long term, including offline information, not just basket analysis. This rich, visitor-level data is leveraged by Intelligent Offer’s advanced algorithms to automatically deliver highly relevant, contextually aware, personalised product recommendations to consumers via online and offline channels.
Intelligent Offer 6 significantly ups the ante by introducing a new, real-time, behavior-based algorithm for search recommendations. Search marketers know the pain associated with maintaining relevant landing pages for thousands of keywords. Intelligent Offer 6 is the first recommendation engine that learns from visitor behaviors to automatically recommend the best products for a search query. The solution’s contextually sensitive and highly personalised product recommendations not only drive higher average order values and sales, they also yield a more satisfying customer experience.
Intelligent Offer 6’s algorithm continually updates itself leveraging data already collected by Coremetrics analytics tags. Every search term across all sources of search traffic (paid, natural and on-site) feeds Intelligent Offer 6’s search recommendations algorithm, enabling the algorithm to deliver the most relevant recommendations for the broadest set of keywords. This aggregated view of people’s behavior across all search sources ensures the richest underlying data set for any consumer search query, thus increasing conversions and site revenues. No additional tagging is required to feed the algorithm for existing Coremetrics Analytics clients.
“Coremetrics Benchmark data, shows that 15 per cent of site traffic is driven by paid search and 21 per cent comes from natural search,” said Kevin Mackin, ANZ General Manager for Coremetrics. “Yet paid and natural search landing pages—often the first thing a consumer sees when researching a product—do not always yield relevant results for the consumer, and the same holds true for on-site search. Intelligent Offer 6 completely eliminates this problem by using an enterprise-class analytics solution to drive targeted, personalised results for every consumer and every search query. A retail site powered by Intelligent Offer 6 is effectively offering every consumer a virtual personal shopper dedicated to finding products that delight them at every turn.”
Intelligent Offer is the recognised market leader among recommendation engines, with more than 300 global brands using it to drive more relevant, targeted offers on their sites. Intelligent Offer is the only recommendation engine built on the foundation of a sophisticated analytics solution and fully integrated into a complete online marketing suite—the Coremetrics Continuous Optimisation Platform. Intelligent Offer 6 is available immediately.
To learn more about Coremetrics, visit or call (Aus) 1800 69 CORE or (NZ) 0800 69 CORE.
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