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AuMake’s plan to capitalise on growing desire for New Zealand exports

Social daigou marketplace AuMake has expanded its operations in New Zealand through a number of partnerships with local providers.

A partnership with Prizm Group gives the business access to over 100 New Zealand brands, while a logistics partnership with Wiseway Group allows AuMake to utilise its Auckland distribution centre for fast and secure exporting.

“The New Zealand export product market to China is growing significantly, leveraging the upgraded free trade agreement between China and New Zealand that came into effect on January 2021,” the business said.

The aim of the Wiseway partnership seems to be to expand AuMake’s New Zealand exports to include perishables and fresh product, such as meat and dairy, both of which are in high demand in China.

The Auckland distribution centre comes equipped with a chiller facility and a comprehensive cold-chain logistics network.

According to AuMake, 44 per cent of New Zealand’s dairy and 41 per cent of its meat exports went to China in June of 2021, while over 25 per cent of the business’ FY20 annual revenue came from New Zealand.

In early 2021, AuMake pivoted its business model to create an influencer-based social e-commerce marketplace which offers Australian and New Zealand-made goods to shoppers in China. This shift has led to heavy transformational costs which weighed on its FY21 results.

After costs, the business suffered a $1.8 million loss for the period, bringing its unaudited year-to-date loss to $7.8 million.

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