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Top 50 People in E-Commerce 2019 announced

Flora & Fauna founder and chief executive Julie Mathers has been named Australia’s leading e-commerce professional in Internet Retailing’s Top 50 People in E-Commerce 2019 report.

Sponsored by Vanderlande, CouriersPlease and Oracle, Internet Retailing’s Top 50 in E-Commerce 2019 report can be downloaded for free here.

Revealed at a launch party at the Reunion Island Pool Club in Melbourne on Wednesday evening, the Top 50 report celebrates the biggest and brightest talents in Australia’s e-commerce industry. You can see the official images from the night here.

The list includes heads of e-commerce at major retailer corporations, such as Brendan Sweeney of Cotton On Group, as well as entrepreneurs who have started their own thriving online businesses, such as Sandradee Makejev of St Frock.

Mathers topped this year’s list after ranking 4th in 2018.

Mathers started Flora & Fauna in 2014, with the aim of becoming the best and most responsible retailer possible, offering vegan, eco-friendly and cruelty-free products. The business has grown rapidly in the past 12 months through a focus on range expansion and investment in own brand products.

“Julie epitomises the personal and professional qualities that in our view make someone a top person in e-commerce,” said Internet Retailing editor Heather McIlvaine.

“She has pursued growth by providing outstanding customer service and rewarding loyal customers in creative ways, and she has generously shared her insights with the wider e-commerce community as a frequent speaker at industry events and commentator in the media.”

Beyond this, she is also committed to using Flora & Fauna, a certified B Corp, as a force for good through partnerships with TerraCycle, Sea Shepherd Australia and Where Pigs Fly Farm Sanctuary.

“Julie is showing the industry that responsible retailing can also be profitable,” McIlvaine said.

The Top 50 launch party is one of several events taking place during Retail Week, presented by Internet Retailing’s sister publication, Inside Retail, and supported by the City of Melbourne, State Government of Victoria and Virgin Australia’s Melbourne Fashion Festival.

“Retail Week is a unique celebration of everything great about Melbourne’s shopping culture, offering the perfect opportunity for businesses to connect, network and share ideas with industry leaders from across the country,” Councillor Susan Riley, chair of City of Melbourne’s small business, retail and hospitality portfolio, said.

In addition to Mathers, the Top 50 launch party recognised several of the Top 10 for their accomplishments over the past year, including Catch CEO Nati Harpaz, who was 9th on the list, Booktopia deputy CEO and CTO Wayne Baskin, who was 8th, Showpo founder and CEO Jane Lu, who was ranked 6th, Cue Clothing CIO Shane Lenton, who was ranked 4th and Adore Beauty founder and CEO Kate Morris, who was 2nd on the list.

More than 200 people were nominated for Internet Retailing’s Top 50 People in E-Commerce 2019 by readers and the judges in September and October 2018. To be eligible, candidates had to work at an Australian e-commerce business or marketplace. Vendors were not eligible.

The judges scored each candidate in four areas: contribution to the commercial success of the business, knowledge sharing with the industry, innovation within the business and positive impact on the broader community, including customers, shareholders, employees or others. The Top 50 was determined by the candidates’ total scores.

Top 50 People in E-commerce 2019 – download the full report here.

  1. Julie Mathers, CEO/Founder, Flora & Fauna
  2. Kate Morris, CEO/Founder, Adore Beauty
  3. John Winning, CEO, Winning Group and Appliances Online
  4. Shane Lenton, CIO, Cue Clothing
  5. Katharina Kuehn, chief strategy officer, neurostrategy and innovation, Winning Group
  6. Jane Lu, CEO/Founder, Showpo
  7. Tony Nash, CEO, Booktopia
  8. Wayne Baskin, Deputy CEO/Chief technology officer, Booktopia
  9. Nati Harpaz, CEO, Catch Group
  10. Tracey Bailey, CEO/Founder, Biome Eco Stores
  11. Sandradee Makejev, Director/Founder, St. Frock
  12. Mark Teperson, chief digital officer, Accent Group
  13. Patrick Schmidt, Co-CEO, The Iconic
  14. Justin Dry, Co-founder/CEO, Vinomofo
  15. Mark Baartse, CMO, Showpo
  16. Audrey Khaing-Jones, Co-founder/COO, GlamCorner
  17. Dean Jones, CEO/Co-founder, GlamCorner
  18. Nathan Huppatz, Co-founder,
  19. Sandy Abraham, Founder, Wholesome Hub
  20. Jo Harris, Co-founder/Director, Hunting for George
  21. Richard Kelsey, Co-founder/Director, Beer Cartel
  22. Jen Geale, Co-founder/head of marketing, Mountain Bikes Direct
  23. Carly Brown, Founder, Une Piece
  24. Eric Stewart, CEO/Founder, Hardtofind
  25. Russell Schulman, Head of marketing and e-commerce, Krispy Kreme Australia and New Zealand
  26. Christian McGilloway, Chief technical innovation officer, Retail Zoo
  27. Michael Gillespie, Group chief digital and technology officer, Domino’s Pizza Enterprises
  28. Dean Salakas, CEO, The Party People
  29. Manik Godhwani, Global head of e-commerce, T2 (Unilever)
  30. Brendan Sweeney, Group general manager e-commerce and loyalty, Cotton On Group
  31. Suzanne Carroll, Founder, Cool Clutch
  32. Talita Estelle, CEO/Director, Esther & Co.
  33. Travis Wright, Marketing and e-commerce manager, Esther & Co.
  34. Lucy Glade-Wright, Co-founder/Brand director, Hunting for George
  35. Laura Doonin, Country director, Moustache Republic (former GM of digital, Pharmacy 4 Less)
  36. Mark Coulter, Co-founder/CEO, Templer & Webster
  37. Aaron Lum, Retail buying manager, Qantas
  38. Garry Hamilton-Smith, Head of digital, Tigerlily (former head of e-commerce, Rebel)
  39. Brad Foenander, Head of e-commerce and strategic partnerships, Coles
  40. Ben Hare, Director/COO, Tinyme
  41. Liam Scanlan, Founder/Director, Eat Your Water
  42. James Bartle, Founder/CEO, Outland Denim
  43. Vince Lebon, Founder/CEO/Designer, Rollie Nation
  44. Anna Samkova, Group general manager for digital and loyalty, PAS Group
  45. Sami Gilroy, Digital strategy manager, Spell & Gypsy Collective
  46. Jonno Rodd, Marking manager, Hunting for George
  47. Steven Perissinotto, Co-founder/director, VetShop Australia
  48. Phoebe Yu, CEO, Ettitude
  49. Alyce Tran, Director, The Daily Edited
  50. Amanda Green, E-commerce director, L’Oreal
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