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Report: Aussies unwilling to spend big online

New research on the psychology of online shopping shows that despite Aussies’ love for online shopping, they’re still not ready to part with serious coin.

According to research commissioned by, almost 90 per cent of survey respondents said they won’t spend more than $5,000 online. Only three per cent would spend up to $20,000 online, and only 1.6 per cent would spend up to one million dollars.

Even though more than half of respondents trust e-commerce more than they used to, 15 per cent still feel nervous about online shopping and avoid it when they can.

“Whilst the research suggests that online shoppers are becoming more trusting and comfortable with making purchases online, we’re still not ready as consumers to part with serious cash over the internet,” said Isabella Marco, marketing manager at

Pricier purchases still occur by and large offline, with convenience and finding a good deal named as the top drivers for online shopping. When it comes to certain products, however, most shoppers still prefer to shop in-store.

Ninety-three per cent of survey respondents said they prefer to shop in-store for groceries, 93 per cent for bags and jewellery, 89 per cent for clothing, 89 per cent for financial services and insurance, 86 per cent for financial goods, 94 per cent for beauty products and 97 per cent for medical items.

This makes sense when you consider that only five per cent of survey respondents said they find shopping online more enjoyable than shopping in-store. One in ten respondents went so far as to say that they hate online shopping and only do it when they have to.

“What we’re seeing is that people really value the convenience and access to great deals you get shopping online, but shopping is still viewed as an activity which involves going into a physical store for many products,” said Marco.

Despite this, there is still joy to be found in online shopping, with 67 per cent recently buying something online to make themselves feel happier. Over 84 per cent feel more satisfaction if they buy something that’s been discounted.

“Ultimately, shoppers love a good discount and a great experience, something which online retailers are increasingly providing. Retail therapy, after all, is a genuine leisure activity for Aussies,” Marco said. “Shopping should make people feel happy!”

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