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Lorna Jane unveils digital flagship

Activewear fashion brand Lorna Jane has furthered its Canadian expansion with the launch of a new digital flagship store dedicated to the Canadian market.

The retailer said the new e-shop’s orders will be fulfilled directly from their Canadian head office in Vancouver, British Columbia, allowing for improved and express delivery times for Canadian shoppers.

According to Lorna Jane, it had been sending thousands of orders a month to Canada from its Aussie digital flagship store, which includes technical fashion pieces, sports bras, tanks and complete coverage tights.

Lorna Jane said the new express delivery options will help increase its position in the Canadian market.

The new e-store will also house exclusive collections dedicated to the climate in Canada.

“We are on a mission to empower every woman to live a life she loves and reach her full potential through active living and can’t wait to further inspire the women of Canada with the daily practice of move, nourish and believe,” said Lorna Jane Clarkson, the brand’s founder.

The activewear brand made its first foray into Canada last year with the opening of their first Canadian store in Calgary in November, followed by the opening of a showroom in Vancouver last December and a second store opening in Toronto.

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