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Australians spent almost $2000 each online last year

Australians spent an average of $1963 each online last year, and more than three quarters of internet users made an e-commerce purchase, according to a new report from HootSuite and We Are Social.

Millennials led the way in this spending spree, according to the report, with 80 per cent of people aged between 35-45 years of age making a purchase in the last month, followed by 25-34 year olds (78.9 per cent) and 16-24 year olds (73.7 per cent).

“Even though the lockdown period in Australia was shorter than in most other countries, this report shows how much of an impact Covid-19 had on our digital life and the way we socialise, get our entertainment fix, and shop,” said We Are Social managing director Suzie Shaw.

Australians are increasingly turning to social media to learn more about brands before purchase, HootSuite vice president of corporate marketing Henk Campher said, with more time spent on social media having led many to open their wallets online.

This is likely fueled by the burgeoning shopping features of many social media, with Instagram and Pinterest having both made it easier for retailers to set up ‘shops’ for customers to purchase from in the last year.

“Australians’ embrace of online shopping and retail spending is a trend that continues to emerge, with more than 3 in 4 Aussie internet users aged 16 to 64 revealing they bought something online in the past month and 28% sharing they discover brands through ads on social media,” Campher said.

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