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Adore Beauty CEO Tamalin Morton to step down

Adore Beauty Group CEO Tamalin Morton has decided to step down for personal reasons, effective in September.

Morton has agreed to take on a consulting role to assist the company after a new CEO has been named.

“As CEO, Tamalin has done an excellent job delivering Adore Beauty’s financial and operational successes and developing the strategic plan. Tamalin steps down as CEO with the business in a strong position,” said Marina Go, chair of Adore Beauty’s board.

“Under Tamalin’s leadership, the company has returned to growth and continues to build solid trading momentum. There has also been significant progression of the strategy, including increasing brand awareness, launching a subscription service, developing our retail media proposition and mobile app growth.”

The beauty brand will begin the search for a new CEO. This will be the third CEO since Adore Beauty’s co-founders Kate Morris and James Height stepped down from the role in 2018 and 2020, respectively. Before Morton, Tennealle O’Shannessy held the position from 2020 to 2023.

Meanwhile, the company reported its third quarter revenue rose 8.9 per cent year over year to $45 million.

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