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The Iconic names new chief customer officer

Fashion retailer The Iconic has appointed Dean Chadwick as its chief customer officer. 

The newly created role will replace the company’s marketing officer position having Chadwick lead both the customer and marketing teams.

In his former role, Chadwick was the interim CEO of Virgin Australia’s Frequent Flyer program. He has more than 20 years of experience in various customer positions across Australia and the UK. 

Erica Berchtold, The Iconic CEO, welcomed Chadwick to the brand: “In the past two years, shoppers across the country have come to rely on our unparalleled assortment and outstanding delivering proposition. 

“The chief customer officer role does exactly that, by strengthening our commitment to deliver seamless and inspiring customer experiences while defining the future of shopping in ANZ,” she said.

Chadwick said he has ‘long admired’ the brand and its commitment to its customer-first motto.

“Every single business decision is made with the shopper in mind, which makes the position incredibly exciting.”

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