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Style Runner’s Omni Channel Journey

What do you predict for the future of your business and eCommerce?
Omni channel retailing is the way of the future. I no longer see it being just about online or just about brick and mortar. It’s exciting to see business creating a bridge between the two worlds. It ultimately means were offering consumers the best possible experience regardless of how and where they shop. It could be something as simple as a pop up / touch feel event from an Online only store through to general brick and mortar stores offering an instore Ipad experience for customers who have a preference to not look through racks upon racks.

What is the Critical Success Factor in your business

The most critical success factor for our business would be the authentic connection and approach we have with our customers. We don’t believe in paying for comments or posts, our customers are our greatest ambassadors and I believe because they genuinely love and believe in the product and our business they help organically grow our following by authentically spreading the message.

What is the most beneficial traffic and subscription driver to your site/s? Is it Press/Media, Social Media, SEO PPC, Affiliate?

Instagram / social media without a doubt. There is a lot to be said in the power behind social proofing- when it’s done right. A good mix is ideal so it’s important to have all bases covered from press / media through to SEO/ re-targeting ads and collaborations with other businesses where you can mutually leverage off each others databases.

What are your biggest eCommerce challenges?

I wouldn’t say there are challenges as such. It’s more so about keeping your finger on the pulse and ensuring you are innovating and evolving constantly.  Staying stagnant is the quickest way to sink your business.

What was your best day in eCommerce, what did you sell and how did you drive those sales?

Exclusive hard to get product always works well on our site and with our customers. We recently launched a limited number of Nike Air Jordans and they literally sold out within minutes.

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