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E-commerce, United Way launch Philanthropy Cloud and United Way has partnered to launch the new network platform, Philanthropy Cloud. It will unlock a marketplace to transform the way corporations connect with employees to engage and support the causes they care about.

The network platform company announced in a statement United Way, workplace philanthropy company is serving more than 115,000 workplace campaigns that reach more than 47.5 million employees while Salesforce focuses on CRM and innovation. Both will partner to connect corporations, employees and nonprofits at scale.

“ and United Way are working together to redefine philanthropy by making it easy for employees to not just donate, but to amplify, track and measure impact at an individual profile and collective level,” said Rob Acker, CEO “Philanthropy Cloud is the perfect combination of innovation and social impact, enabling any company to make giving back a core part of their culture.”

Salesforce said Philanthropy Cloud will bring a new level of simplicity and power to giving back, leveraging the company’s technology to deliver a comprehensive social impact platform that connects donating and requesting matching gifts; setting year-round goals; mapping individual philanthropy goals against friends, team and corporate goals; organizing and tracking volunteer hours and assessing total personal, community and company impact.

“In our modern, connected world, individuals and employees want more ways to strengthen their communities, and Philanthropy Cloud will revolutionize their opportunities to give, volunteer and advocate,” said Brian Gallagher, President and CEO of United Way Worldwide. “Philanthropy Cloud will enable employees and companies to tailor, track and grow their community involvement, making it a one-stop shop for philanthropic engagement that will meet employees’ needs, raise company profiles and build a better society for every person in every community.” said new generations of the workforce expect and demand corporations to take a leading role in making their world a better place. But it’s not only employees – customers, investors, shareholders, and global communities expect companies to put purpose at the forefront of their business. Employees want to work for companies that prioritize giving back, and expect philanthropy to be integral to a company’s mission and easy to participate in. In fact, in a recent Deloitte study, 80% of millennials believe companies should engage in issues beyond their core business.

Philanthropy Cloud will also provide a 360-degree view of an individual’s social impact footprint from any device to employers and employees. With Salesforce Einstein AI technology, Philanthropy Cloud can intelligently sift through millions of opportunities to create personalized giving recommendations. For example, Einstein can surface the most relevant nonprofits, impact funds, fundraising campaigns and related stories based on an employee’s interests, location, giving history and other signals.

The new network platform further provides individuals with portable profiles, which means a user’s impact history is not tied to just one company, it moves and evolves with their career. Philanthropy Cloud’s open application programming interfaces (APIs) will enable companies to easily integrate Philanthropy Cloud data to understand the collective impact of their employees.

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