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InStitchu opens Brisbane showroom

Bespoke menswear retailer, InStitchu, has opened its third bricks and mortar showroom, located in Brisbane’s Queen Street Mall.

The retailer’s Queensland debut follows the opening of showrooms in Sydney and Melbourne, which support the brand’s e-commerce presence. InStitchu’s physical locations allow customers to view fabrics and check sizes.

“We’ve had our eye on Brisbane for a while now and are really excited to bring a new location to our customers in Brisbane,” said Robin McGowan, co-founder of InStitchu. 

“Just like Sydney and Melbourne showrooms, our new heritage Queen Street location aims to create a seamless and memorable experience for our customers – with a unique combination of old-world charm and technology.”

The retailer, which began as a pureplay in 2012, has plans for three further showrooms across the country to scale the business and reach new customers.

“There is huge potential in the bespoke product market,” said James Wakefield, co-founder of InStitchu.

“Today’s consumers are undergoing a generational shift – becoming more style-conscious and demanding to be different. InStitchu caters to the type of shopper who appreciates and prioritises a beautifully crafted product with excellent fit over slavish devotion to trend.

“Our research shows that once fitted in a showroom, the majority of customers will then complete all future orders online,” said Wakefield.

Recent data published by the Edited suggests that menswear grew at a faster global pace than womenswear – up 4.5 per cent versus 3.7 per cent. And by 2019 menswear is expected to reach $40 billion in worldwide sales.

When asked if there are any plans to enter the womenswear market, InStitchu said it is “solely focused on menswear, but haven’t ruled out the possibility of entering the women’s market one day.”

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