Heiler Product Info Management Solution
Heiler Enterprise PIM 6 focuses on the power of networking so that it can offer the right product to its end customers within the scope of a multichannel strategy. “By Network based PIM’ we mean simplifying and accelerating communication and collaboration for all forms of product information amongst all network members. In doing so we can optimize costs and processes, enhance data quality, and substantially increase profits for multichannel commerce,” said Rolf J. Heiler.
Heiler Enterprise PIM 6 includes a new supplier portal that enables close communication with suppliers. Heiler Supplier Exchange simplifies communication between merchants and suppliers and builds on self-services. The system is already operational with many of Heiler customers currently in the ramp up stage.
The Heiler Media Portal, which has been integrated in the solution and expanded, plays an essential role for external service providers such as advertising agencies and photographers. “The most important aspect of images and product videos is to convey emotions during the sales process. This undeniably affects the purchasing decision and generates the necessary impulse to buy,” said Rolf J. Heiler. By automatically assigning media assets to products and items during the creative process, the effectivity of product introductions is accelerated. Rolf J. Heiler knows that, “creating unique customer experiences and connected sales channels are at the top of the agenda for most merchants and also increasingly so for manufacturers.”
Determining whether the data of an item is complete and of high quality is often much easier in the context of web, catalog pages, or data sheets than when dealing with the data maintenance view of software. Heiler Enterprise PIM 6 gives you a preview of products, items and structure groups in their appropriate output channels simply by clicking on “Channel Preview”.
Customers and other interested parties can request the detailed fact sheet for Heiler Enterprise PIM 6 by visiting www.heiler.com/pim6. Heiler’s video portal contains a product film and application examples, which explain the new functions. CEO Rolf J. Heiler explains the importance of networks for PIM and multichannel commerce on Heiler Software’s blog page.
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