Guerilla Tactics
Hows That For a Tactic!
we don’t even have our own website…
Instead, here we sit on some valuable SEO real estate on a really relevant website, thanks to the team at
For now, this is the home of, it doesn’t cost us a penny and you’re still reading this so it seems we’ve got your attention. Steve Jobs said think different: Well we’re doing the thinking and acting it out, too!
Guerilla Tactics – what is it?
Derived from the concepts of Guerilla Warfare, transferred to the methodology of business marketing, its now being used in the digital age of the web, it’s using atypical tactics to achieve a goal in a competitive and unforgiving environment, and you need them IF YOU WANT TO EVEN HAVE HALF A CHANCE OF SURVIVING.
What do we offer?
A fresh set of thinking, taking you outside your square. We look at where you are, what you are doing, what your competitors are doing. We provide exhilarating concept and direction as well as ways of engaging your customers that you would never have considered possible. Let the Guerilla Tactics begin.
But that’s not all. We’re also well connected, so we can introduce you to some tactical partners and friends from our parts of the jungle that can make your business sizzle. On the less exciting side, we offer a regiment of eCommerce consultants that can provide strategy, project management, vendor selection, search marketing, social media, design, web development etc, the full troop.
So, what makes us special, why should you even consider using us?
Well, we’ve been around in this space for a long time – at the speed at which digital technology changes consider us probably as old as Che Guevara in digital years. Our experience spans far and wide; our Chief Guerilla has spent a long time in active service fishing the seas of online retail, scoopin’ one catch per day, until brighter horizons beckoned. Now he’s beating his chest in anticipation of sharing his stash of Guerilla secrets.
Want to know more? Want to be saved?
email us: info(at)
Twitter: @guerillaTactX
Hire us 🙂
Some examples of well executed Guerilla Tactics
- Tramsurance- some ethical issues, however, a brilliant Guerilla Tactics strategy -> Tramsurance
- Kogan cheaper than Kogan, Ruslan felt Dealfox were leeching off his brand on this one -> Kogan cheaper than Kogan
- and another example of great Guerilla work here -> Dollar Shavers Club
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