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eBay Australia launches ‘Under $20’ shopping destination

Online marketplace eBay has launched an ‘Under $20’ shopping destination on its Australian site, offering a range of items across more than a dozen different categories, with free shipping included.

Featuring more than two million items, the new section offers online shoppers items in technology, apparel, fitness, beauty, home decor and more with free delivery.

“We’re excited to launch another feature that makes buying and searching for products on easier than ever before,” said Tim Mackinnon, eBay’s managing director and VP for eBay ANZ. “Under $20 allows our shoppers to discover our most affordable items at first click, and have them delivered to their doors for free.”

Under $20 is an extension of Find It On eBay and Image Search to browse for affordable items with just a click, the company stated.

To celebrate the launch of eBay Under $20, eBay will offer $10 off purchases from the Under $20 range for new eBay members or existing eBay members who have not made a purchase on the site over the past year.

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