BigCommerce Continues to Grow

60 high-end, international fashion labels have transitioned from Portable Shops, relaunching their online stores on Bigcommerce, the world’s fastest growing e-commerce platform. The partnership enables fashion designers and retailers run on Portable Shops to transition smoothly over to the Bigcommerce platform, giving the apparel brands a new level of service and support, along with the award-winning Bigcommerce platform to manage all aspects of their online retail businesses.
There are now over 4,000 fashion retailers that rely on Bigcommerce to power their online sales, and the number is growing fast, an increase of 38% in 2013.
Sarah Connors, Kitte, and Cynics Accessories have already made the switch to Bigcommerce.
“We are very excited to transition our store to Bigcommerce,” said Amanda Cleff, Creative Director, Cynics Accessories. “I have been researching ecommerce solutions for some time and am happy with the functionality it provides. I now can promote online offerings easily to reflect whatever is happening in the retail landscape.”
“The transition to our new store has been smooth thanks to the online support offered by the Bigcommerce team and the detailed tutorials,” said Chrissie Young, Brand Manager,Kitte. “We find our new site is much more customer friendly, and the suggested items makes the shopping experience more user friendly. As a new label that only launched late last year, we are looking forward to our online store helping us expand into the global market.”
The brainchild of Melbourne-based technology company Portable, Portable Shops has attracted a strong following of boutique fashion and retail brands across Australia, the UK and the United States since its launch in 2010, including Akira Isogawa and Josh Goot.
“We worked hard over the past three years to build a place where fashion brands can feel like the Internet understands their needs,” said Portable co-founder Andrew Apostola. “Bigcommerce is very much on the way to becoming the place for fashion commerce online and we’re excited to be part of that evolution. This partnership with Bigcommerce allows our most successful stores the option of scaling their operations to a new level.”
“We’re thrilled to be able to help more fashion retailers, like those coming to our platform from Portable Shops,” said Bigcommerce co-founder and co-CEO, Eddie Machaalani. “Bigcommerce will help these labels sell more online by giving them the tools to rapidly grow, market their brand effectively, and get on with that they do best – designing and making great fashion. We are huge supporters of the home-grown fashion talent in Australia and we’re looking forward to helping them on their journey.”
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