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Australian mobile transactions grow

Australian retailers have experienced rapid growth in mobile transactions, moving from ninth place to fourth globally compared to the previous quarter, according to the latest report from performance marketing company, Criteo.

Australian retailers, as ranked by percentage of transactions occurring on a mobile device, saw mobile share of all transactions reach a high of 48 per cent.

“Smartphone usage is such that it has completely transformed not just how we communicate but our expectations as consumers, and with access to better devices and faster connections comes an expectation of retailers offering intuitive mobile experience tailored to how people like to buy,” said Criteo ANZ commercial director, David Raitt. “The report findings support this with Australia rapidly rising up the ranks in mobile share of transactions from ninth place last quarter to fourth place in Q4 2015.”

The report found smartphones accounted for 66 per cent of retail mobile transaction share in Australia, ahead of the U.S. (60 per cent). 37 per cent of desktop buyers browsed the same retailer’s site on at least one other device before purchasing

Criteo examined 1.4 billion online transactions to find four in 10 purchases occur across multiple devices or channels. Of that figure, close to one-third are completed on a mobile device, indicating that consumers are using numerous devices along their path to purchase and are regularly buying on mobile.

“In order to better understand this digitally-savvy consumer, marketers need to stop looking at each device on its own, and start understanding the user behind them,” said Criteo chief product officer, Jonathan Wolf. “Multi-device behaviour is the new normal.”

The report said retailers and brands with intuitive apps that highlight relevant products to consumers see stronger sales and higher values. Mobile apps accounted for 54 per cent of all mobile transactions in the retail industry, and 58 per cent of mobile transactions in the travel industry.

Shoppers using mobile apps browsed 286 per cent more products than mobile web shoppers, contributing to an add-to-basket rate 90 per cent higher than mobile browsers.

The overall conversion rate on an app was 120 per cent higher than mobile browsers.

“People led marketing or personalised marketing at scale represents a significant opportunity for Australian retailers who are prepared to make the leap,” said Raitt. “That’s where businesses can really win.”

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