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Aussies show mixed reactions to Amazon launch

Australians are showing mixed reactions to the arrival of retail giant Amazon in Australia, according to new research from

Half of the population, about 47 per cent, indicated they are excited about the retailer coming to Australia, hanging out for cheaper deals, a bigger range of products and fast delivery.

But 53 per cent aren’t so keen, preferring to shop at brick and mortar stores, or worried about its impact on local business.

Bessie Hassan, money expert at, said while Amazon appeals to many shoppers, some would take some convincing.

“While it is certainly grabbing a lot of headlines in Australia, Amazon needs to prove what all the fuss is about before most consumers will change their buying habits,” Hassan said.

“Over the years, Aussies have become savvy at sourcing better-priced goods elsewhere, whether it’s shopping online via overseas retailers, or taking advantage of price match guarantees,” she said.

Looking at those who aren’t excited about its arrival, 14 per cent say they can already buy everything they want online while 12 per cent prefer to go shopping in-store. Only nine per cent are worried about Amazon destroying local businesses.

“There’s no doubt Amazon poses a threat to local retailers, but ultimately the big winners will be consumers,” says Hassan.

A further nine per cent of Australians don’t even know what it is, the research indicated, with 14 per cent of Gen Y scratching their heads over it compared to just six per cent of Baby Boomers.

“The retail sector is highly competitive in Australia, with stores discounting hard to attract shoppers. But only time will tell if the Amazon offering is attractive enough.”

Gen Y is the most excited about Amazon’s expansion into Australia, with 68 per cent anxiously awaiting its arrival down under, compared to 47 per cent of Gen X and just 26 per cent of Baby Boomers.

About 28 per cent of Western Australians stated they are most excited about the huge range of products Amazon has to offer, with Queenslanders next in line at 22 per cent.

Adults living with their parents are far more likely (33 per cent) to be excited about potentially cheaper Amazon prices than homeowners (14 per cent) — this is most likely due to a difference in disposable income, the research showed.

This story first appeared on sister site, Inside Retail Australia.

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