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Accessories brand clinches Myer deal on back of global growth

After failing to break into the local market, Australian accessories brand From St Xavier (FSX) pursued growth overseas, selling its handbags through international retailers like John Lewis and Anthropologie.

Listen to the podcast here.

Now FSX is leveraging its popularity in foreign markets to gain traction at home.

Two months ago, the brand launched its first e-commerce site with international reach. It will launch a redesign later this year with a focus on improving the user experience on mobile.

The brand has also partnered with The Iconic and recently clinched a deal with Myer ahead of spring racing season.

Speaking to Internet Retailing editor Heather McIlvaine for the latest podcast, FSX brand manager and designer Nataschia Holland spoke about the brand’s trajectory from two bricks-and-mortar retail stores in Sydney to a global e-commerce brand.

“Given the success we’d had globally from a wholesale front, we really felt that we were missing out on an opportunity to work directly with our customer to get an understanding of what it is our customer wants. And get early intelligence of what our customer wants,” she said.

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